welcome, yo.
I don't know how you managed to stumble upon this blog, but yeah hello anyway. Feel free to explore and leave a tag, even though i know my tagboard's filled with nothing but adverts now. /:CHERYL♥AVIARY;
So this happened about 1 month ago: it was a Sunday, usual jogging day. My parents and i went to NTUC to buy groceries for that afternoon's lunch, as well as some fruits and whatnot. Everything as per usual, blahblahblah... So after that, we were walking back to the car. I was holding on to bags of groceries in both hands; one hand slinging the bags over my shoulder (I kinda have a habit of doing that since young hahaha. Not all the times, only sometimes when the bag is heavy), the other carrying the bags normally. Then, the tragedy happened. *cues DUN DUN DUUUUNNN* I fell. Yeap i fell/: I was balancing on the kerb (I'M SORRY IT'S JUST FUN TO DO SO), and right at the end, at the corner, i lost my balance. And because my hands were occupied by the plastic bags, i couldn't break my fall and i just fell forward ._. I landed first on my right elbow i guess, since it had the worst wound. Why elbow? Because i was slinging the bags over my shoulder, remember? /: Sigh. Of all times, i fall when i sling the stuff over my shoulder. WARNING: EXPLICIT CONTENT BELOW. NOT FOR THE FAINT HEARTED. Just kidding it isn't that scary :D
Nice right? LOL.
So yeah. Left side's my left limbs, right is my right limbs. Yep i fell on my right the hardest i guess, judging from the deep cut on my elbow and the gigantic bruise on my knee.
Honestly, for the past 17 years, i have never fell down and injured myself this bad before. I doubt i've ever gotten such a deep wound like the one on my right elbow oh gosh hahaha. And let me tell you, it hurt like CRAP. Especially when bathing. And what's worse was that for about a month, i had to make sure i wouldn't accidentally knock into something or whatever. AND THAT WAS SO DIFFICULT I DON'T KNOW WHY. I kept knocking against the god damn wound and i'd be stifling a yell for a painful 10 seconds before the pain slowly disappears.
Until now, it's still healing. I mean yeah it's definitely much better, can touch alr and stuff, but it's still at the point where a new layer of... plastic-looking skin grows there and it peels off occasionally /: Everyone told me that's gonna leave a scar. Sigh i don't want a scar ): But even the tiny injuries on my left hand (the knuckles, if you can't see it in the photo) seem to be leaving a scar. I have slightly lighter pinkish spots on my knuckles now /: Idk, maybe it's still in the midst of healing. Maybe it'll go away soon. I hope it does. I've alr got two tiny burn marks on my hands from working at Haramiya, and i don't want anything else ):
Honestly, it's going pretty good i guess? I mean there definitely are some stuff that i don't understand, but generally i'm still able to cope. Oh and about taking up a CCA? I didn't. :p So yeah i have these 4 main subjects, Human Anatomy and Physiology (aka Bio), Organic and Biological Chemistry, Principles of Inorganic and Physical Chemistry, and finally, Mathematics and Statistics. Plus two side subjects, Communicative Skills for Applied Science (aka English), and Applied Principles of Living (aka Lifeskills i guess). AND GUESS WHAT. MY TERM TESTS JUST ENDED YESTERDAY. Crazy isn't it?! I only started school for a week and then there were term tests already. Compared to secondary school when our first common tests were only 3 months after school started, this is pretty damn fast omg. I kinda made a big mistake in my OBC paper, but sigh it's okay i shall not think about it anymore cos IT'S THE TERM BREAK NOWWWW WOOHOOOOOO. I took a break from my Youtube videos for about 2 weeks, except for Smosh's and Ryan's. And i spent last night and this afternoon catching up with the rest of the videos (skipped quite a few though), and now i'm just left with YOMYOMF's Internet Icon Season 2 :D Aaaanywayyyyy. Shall stop here, since i have nothing else to talk about. Have no idea when i'll blog again though heh. |