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Saturday 17 November 2012 @ 02:15

Finally, a heavy burden off my shoulder. Now i have a couple of months to waste.
Okay i'm not gonna waste it. I shall try more baking, get a job (actually i alr got one, YAY), and earn money.

Come to think of it, when i stop working when Poly starts, i shouldn't be asking for allowance from my parents anymore right? My bro stopped asking, but that was fine for him cos till now he's still working part-time..oh well, worry about that next year.

It's 2.15am, gotta get up at 9.30am and go shopping with Manqin. I think i'll be half dead tomorrow..ah whatever hehe.
Olevels progress.
Sunday 4 November 2012 @ 22:24
It's amazing how relationships can change a person, both for the better and for worse.

Oh well. Back to my topic. Olevels has been preeeetty horrible so far. And now i'm only left with the two Sciences' MCQ papers, so basically my whole Olevels have been screwed up. I really hope to get into Veterinary Science in TP (I'm not aiming for NP cos the score seems so unreachable), but now i feel like it's almost impossible to get at least a 13.

Just hope for the best then.