welcome, yo.
I don't know how you managed to stumble upon this blog, but yeah hello anyway. Feel free to explore and leave a tag, even though i know my tagboard's filled with nothing but adverts now. /:CHERYL♥AVIARY;
At first it started out really shitty. Cos almost the whole choir exco were stressed out for idk what reason. Shane i think cos she's currently under lotsa stress lahs. But yeah anyw, party ma, why stress! :D So only Joanne, Peisi, Chenting and I were not so stessed and vexed. We were kinda partying as well, laughing like mad. I mean not Chenting. She was just silently helping out with the bbq. Okay fine, i feel rather guilty for partying and not helping out >_> I did help a little okay! x] Well anyway, when it got darker, when everyone left except the whole exco(minus Chenting, she left early), the REAL party began. xD We all went crazy cos we were spamming the remaining water plastic bags(i thought water balloons weren't that appropriate) all the way! Then we realised we had lotsa balloons left too so we made alotalotalotalot of water balloons. It was rather entertaining, cos the balloons were the silver metallic balloons so it was harder to burst. So sometimes when it lands on the ground it doesn't burst. Instead, it hophophops around and slides(the floor was wet) to another far end xD Oh and dunno who suggested hitting the "no ball games" sign. I didn't, though. I just threw at Peisi and Joanne hehehehehe. :D OH YES and then something horrible happened. >:( We were cleaning up, also making an excuse to burst water balloons around so we would wash the floor hahahahah. Then we saw two girls come out from the function room which was just behind the BBQ pit. Then they walked to the pool, and POURED DRINKS INSIDE! We were all like, wtf! So we went there and yep, they prolly threw sprite cos there wasn't any colour. So Terrence, Peisi and Joanne were trying to scoop out as much ice as possible. Then i think the people at the room saw us, and they were swearing at us like "Fcuk you fcuk you!" Thats not all. The security guard just nice was walking by to inspect i guess. And YES, i bet he thought we were the ones who poured the drinks cos we were there scooping out ice. So he stood there and kept staring at us. Shane was so pissed she said out loud, "Eh you all don't help them clean, its not our mess so we don't touch. The people in the FUNCTION ROOM poured it so they should clean it up!" Guess the guard heard it, but he still stood there and stared at us while we continued cleaning up. -.- Fed up with him. He left like a long while after. And then we started insulting the people in the room. Felicia was teasing their swears, saying it sounded like a high-pitched "puckyoupuckyou!" xD Yeah we got crazy and high after that hahahahaa. So yeah that was the end, gotta go now bye!
Today, i was with Shane, Felicia, Koi and Terrence at Simei's NTUC. Shane and I went to the chicken section to buy the frozen chicken for tomorrow(will talk about it later below, if i remember to). So i saw the chicken. And slid open the freezer door. Then there's this auntie beside me. I saw at the corner of my eye that she quickly lifted up her hand from the freezer. So i thought i hit her or something, so i was apologising like mad, like "Sorry sorry sorry!!" Then she stared at me for a second. Then she "Owwwww!" Like wtf, its so obvious she was acting! -.- But still, i apologised again /: Ah why did i even do that, i should have just yelled back at her, "Eh you weren't even hurt leh! Act what sia!" But noooooo, i apologised. >_> Oh well. Partly my fault anyways, i didn't think that the door would hit the auntie. OH but when i told Shane, she went to the freezer and "inspected" the sliding cover . And realised that its kinda impossible to get your finger caught. ._. Nevermind, forget about that woman. Oh yes i remembered, about tomorrow! Tomorrow's our Choir's farewell party to the previous seniors. Clarissa's batch. We're having a BBQ party at Shane's house, wheeeee ! :D Oh but i hope they won't push me into the pool or something /: I don't mind getting hit by water balloons(i mean water-filled plastics), but not getting drenched in chlorine water. Kay gotta go, bye!:D
Anyway. Its like some "total makeover" for me, i mean for the past few years, i've been sticking to jeans and shirt/tee shirt, and sneakers. This time, dress/skirt/weird footwear. Why? Cos my parents forced me to ): Kinda. Well they said i shouldn't waste my youth wearing sneakers and stuff. And they also said young wear all these then nice. So yeah /: Ah well. Nevermind, always good to have more clothes anyway. :D Okay then, bye. :D
So yeah you all know about this..switch in a car, that locks the door? Its to prevent infants from opening the door while parents are driving. Even though from inside it looks unlocked, it is locked if you change the switch to lock mode. Yep and today, i took my dad's car to school. As usual. Then he dropped me off just after the traffic light opposite school, side gate there. As usual. I was about to get out of the car when.....yes, i couldn't open the door. -.- So my mum had to go out to open my door from the outside(thats the only way to open it), cos i couldn't go out from the other door cos it was facing the road. And guess what, my mum had the exact same problem! >:( Then my dad pressed some button at the side of his door there and mum's door could open. But mine still couldn't open, so my mum STILL had to go out LOL. So yeah and my dad was rather frustrated cos: 1) It was at a traffic light, cannot stop there too long. 2) My parents had to go work too, so they can't waste too much time fetching me. /; but ah well. at least i wasn't stuck inside forever or something. Or my dad sure pissed off like what. o: Okay then, nights!
But i really got nothing to talk about! Everytime i think of something to talk about, i forget about it when i reach home. /: So yeah apologies to all reading this, even though i know hardly anyone comes to my blog . And yeah thats just about it, i'm here just to update so i don't feel guilty for abandoning my blog for 2weeks heheehehe. SEE I'VE POSTED K. KTHXBYE. P.S Current craze: ![]()
HAPPY NEW YEAR! 2011 is here~