Happy Birthday to Sophie and Judy! :D
Monday, 27 September 2010 @ 23:02
 First of all:
One year older already, muahahahahas ! :D
Wellll okay so today we went out to celebrate Soph's birthday(despite the fact that exams are starting on Wednesday) . We were like deciding where to go for ice cream. First was the ice cream cafe opp police station. Then it was Marine Parade library's Gelato. Then we came to a decision: Swensens.
ARGH WHY THE EXPENSIVE ONE ): But yeah it was a big group so okay luh . 9 people leh ! Minus Sophie, the price is divided by 8 people ^^ .
So yeah i thought we were going there just for the ice cream. In the end we ordered pizza. Then Nick and Sophie got their free ice cream. I had two slices of pizza and a few spoons of ice-cream( freeloaded from Soph and Nick, heheheehehe. :D)
Yep we were like acting crazy there. Gordon and Sabrina went hyperly-crazy over colouring pictures. They were competing in who could colour the picture quicker LOL . Oh and there was a woman with orange skin and a brown patch on her forehead, credits to Gordon xD . Sab coloured a green panda. Gordon coloured Avatar-Man. xD
OH OH OH and when Nicholas was choosing the ice cream flavour, Sandra&I were beside him. Then he was like, "Should I have strawberry or the Stick Chewy...thing?"
Then Sandra "STICKCHEWYCHOCOLATEEE!" Then Nick said okay then told the ice cream guy he wanted "sticky chewy....somethingsomething."
Then the guy gave him a look. According to Sandra, he was probably thinking: This guy must be some ladies' man or something , then he's buying ice cream for them.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA ! Then the funniest part was, when he gave the cup of ice cream to Nick, IT HAD TWO SPOONS ! LOLOLOL !
OMG Sandra and I were laughing like hell man xDD I was wondering why he didn't give a third spoon, and i think its prolly cos only Sandra was squealing for Sticky Chewy Chocolate. HAHAHAHA.
Oh how fun it is to hang out with people like them. xD Sophie, Sandra, Nicholas, Jutima, Sabrina, Gordon, Dionis and ManQin made my day today man. xD
And even though its not my birthday today, i still gotta thank you all for making my second-last-day-before-the-eoys a funfun and crazy day! :D
Car accident ._.
Sunday, 26 September 2010 @ 14:33
Okay I didn't blog for about a week, my apologies. /:Doubt i'll be active for the next two weeks, due to exams. Believe i'll still screw up , so yeah nevermind ._.
Well anyway. Last week, exactly last week, I met with a car accident. Yep.
Well my dad, mum and I were in the car, on our way to my parent's colleague's house for Hari Raya party. On the highway, when suddenly my dad emergency braked. As usual, i wasn't wearing my seat belt so i "crashed" onto my mum's seat in front of me( usually happens, so yeah.)
But then suddenly there was this impact and a "BANG" . Crashed onto my mum's seat again. ._. Dad went "SHIT, 被撞." (translation: SHIT, tio hit le.)
Then parents went out to settle stuffs. Mum took photos of the crash, blah blah. When they came back in, i asked what happened and it seems that it happened like this:
The first car in front emergency braked. The second car emergency braked, in time to avoid crash. The third car, which was my dad, braked as well, just in time. The forth car behind us, didn't brake on time and hit us . And because of the impact, our car moved forward(despite my dad still pressing on the brake pedal) and bumped onto the car in front. ._.
So basically, we got sandwiched. No injuries though, so lucky. Unless you count the mini scratch I had near my left eye because of my specs luh. /:
Car still repairing, coming back tomorrow i think. Still need to put up with this stupid replacement car which is super small , and it stinks of the bubble smell. You know, the one with the small yellow stick then you apply the sticky gluey thing at one end then you blow it into a bubble? Yeah that. ._.
Makes my throat damn dry la, after smelling that. /:
Well so yeah thats it, gotta go.
Green Day woooo! :D
Saturday, 18 September 2010 @ 14:58
Heheh. Nothing much to say today, but as you can see/listen from my playlist and the picture above, i'm in a GREEN DAY CRAZE mood ! :D:D
HAHA. Yeah and another thing to say is that the End of Year exams are coming and guess what. I haven't started studying. And here i am, wasting time on the computer. Facebooking. Blogging. Searching and listening to Green Day songs.
And next week is Test Week. Why do i call it Test Week? We're gonna have about 4 - 5 tests next week. And? I haven't studied. So? Screwed.
And the stupid eCareers thing. Give me such lousy and uninteresting jobs, and expect me to choose three out of those. Argh, this sucks. ):
So yeah bye. Shall try to persuade myself to study. I don't know how, but i shall. >_>
Fell on my butt ):
Tuesday, 14 September 2010 @ 20:02
Argh, i fell on my butt today /:
I was on my way to 7-Eleven after putting down my bag at home.
(7-Eleven has taken over my house there de minimart, in case you don't know.)
I bought Gulp, cup noodles, and mashed potato. Then when i walked out, i realised there was this Indian guy mopping the floor with some substance that when you smell it, it feels like acid pouring into your nose. DAMN painful. /: So I carefully walked across the area, knowing that my slippers is damn frictionless.
Then, just when i past the wet area and reached the dry area, I SLIPPED. AND FELL. ._. And the noodles dropped out of the cup and into the plastic bag ): The drink was fine, and so was the potato cos i put cover.
Then the Indian man helped me up. Awkward, but nevermind /:
Went home and my kakak helped me get my noodles back into the cup /: No more soup. ):
Come to think of it, i was kinda lucky that I took plastic bag leh. When the Auntie helped me put into plastic bag, i almost said "don't need" . Luckily. If i had said those words, my noodles would never be retrieved le. ):
So yeah now i've got a sore butt that hurts when I stand and sit. ):
Lesson learnt: 1) Must get plastic bag when buy food. 2) I ought to get better slippers.
Oh, and:
Archery ! :D
Wednesday, 8 September 2010 @ 10:31
Yesterday was funfunfun ! Been a long time since i ENJOYED choir . /: Like seriously.
Well anyway. Choir Camp. We had a Basic Archery course ! ARCHERY ! :D And i did fairly well, better than i expected, so yeah xDD But Yuqi was the top scorer luh. I was THIIIIIS close to winning her, but my last shot went out so yeah ):
Ah nevermind. I still receieved a prize anyway, for the team competition. Its a pencil, but not just an ordinary pencil. It has the flappy thingys(I suddenly forgot what its called) stuck onto it ! :D Looks damn cool lahs. :D
And yeah , pictures all on Facebook.
Hmm after archery we had to come back to school for more activities, blahblahblah... Then at the end of the day, i went to walk around the school with Yuqi. First she brought me to this place which was really very sunny but very nice cos its on the forth floor and just at the main gate there xD Nice view from above. Then when we were walking back, i found someone's PET rocket cover on the top of the new staircase ! HAHAS :D ! Then we walked walked walked, and found another FOUR rocket covers on the roof of the auditorium xD . Aha then here's the best part:
We went up the 5th level stairs(which leads to the roof), and the roof door was open! :D I guess the construction workers opened it then went for a break i guess? But anyway. Yuqi went in, i stayed out. Was kinda afraid people might come and scold. And then she suddenly exclaimed," EH ! I found Benjamin's rocket!" (errm yeah i told her about the super powerful rocket xD) So i went up and stood by the door, and YEAH it was really there! Andand, it was like at the middle of the roof, with no parachutes out. I was wondering, if it flew towards the bio lab there, how come its at the other side of the roof??
Possibilities: 1) Construction workers kaypo and brought it there. 2) Super powerful such that it flew really really high then fell onto the other side of the roof. O:
Heheh yeah. :D Never been to a roof before O: argh, should have not been a coward yesterday and went in ! D: Ah nevermind. Hopefully i'll get to see that door open once again. ;)
Wednesday, 1 September 2010 @ 17:06
SO sorry for MIA-ing again. BECAUSE OF MY STUPID COMPUTER. >:( It broke down for like, 2 weeks? ):
But yeah its finally fixed, so yay! (:
But the sad thing is that, throughout these two weeks, i had DAMN ALOT of stuffs to rant/talk/emo about in this little blog of mine, but now i've forgotten all of them cos its been so long ago. Argh. ._.
Oh but i remember one thing really clearly, cos it just happened yesterday:
PRIMARY SCHOOL CLIQUE REUNION ! :D:D (minus Meg, cos she couldn't come)
Well i've got no photos with me so just go to Facebook and check it out. :D But no comments on unglam photos, please and thankyous. >_>
Yepp well anyway, yesterday was Teachers' Day Celebration, so everyone ended school early. And thats why we could finally meet each other again :D:D:D:D BUT HEY, EVERYONE GREW TALLER, WTF?! ):
Kez is like, 160+++ ): And the others 170+++ ): Only Steph&I still looked the same luh ._.
Anyw. We went to E!-Hub once again. Watched "Grown Ups" . Its was freaking awesome, i tell you ! :D damnit funny. A little sick (Its PG, after all x] ), but thats what made it so funny anyway. xD
Yeah didn't really do anything else after that. Just slacked in KFC and laughed and chat and laugh and chat. And Nat brought up how Zhuojing laughed and clapped in P6, and Mdm Lim was like "Who is that laughing??"
So yeah thats it. xDD Buhbye!
gsoot vuergfst, nsb wub! :B