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More more results.
Wednesday, 10 March 2010 @ 20:19
OMFG YESSSS for once, i did rather well for Literature ! LOL !

18/25 :D:D

Only one person failed.
But Steven scored highest for the class/level . 22/25. Wtf >_<.

Damn pro luh you, Steven. /:

And i'm freaking heng my Geog class tests pulled my overall up. I passed !
So did my English. Failed compre , 16 half/40. But my feature article pulled me up. 21/30. So overall passed.

Sigh. But still very disappointing lorr.
I ought to stop Facebook-ing and start studying. HAHA . :D
More results.
Saturday, 6 March 2010 @ 11:47
Sighhh .

Here are the results i've gotten back so far.

Chinese - 40/70.
Science - 42/50.
Geography - 19/40 . <---- freaking disappointed.

English and Literature not back yetttttt. Scary leh ):