welcome, yo.
I don't know how you managed to stumble upon this blog, but yeah hello anyway. Feel free to explore and leave a tag, even though i know my tagboard's filled with nothing but adverts now. /:CHERYL♥AVIARY;
Yeah, that was what i saw at the school side gate. Just a few days ago.
English - 73.8, A2. Maths - 79, A1. Mother Tongue - 65.5, B3. Science - 77, A1. Geography - 85, A1. Literature - 44, E8. Home Economics - 75, A1. Byee.
Anywayy. Lets seee, after Geog paper was.. Was it Science? Science was.. Okay la. A few people say they screwed their Science, but i thought it was okay leh. O.o And i didn't really study. Hehehh. Maths paper 1. There was a question which i knew the answer, but couldn't do the working. =.= In the end, i just wrote the answers down with undone workings. X.x And lastly, Chinese oral. I screwed it, having at least 6 words which i didn't know how to read. Zzz. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Had been having a few days of 'holiday', cos its Marking Day. :D Chionged comp everyday, morning till evening. Ooops. And I can't believe it la. So many free days and yet i didn't blog. Only blogged on the last day of the holiday, which is today. How pro. x.x Okay, pictures ! I shall start with the oldest ones. 09/08/09, 15/08/09. National Day celebrations. -----------The Following week, 15/08/09--------------------- 23/08/09, Sudoku Challenge, at The Central. Went there with a bunch of schoolmates and Mrs Lin<3.> Look! Mrs Lin ! Sorry, its unglam. x.x In this photo: Jervina, Jutima. In this photo: Jasper, Odelia, Clarissa, Hui Xuan. 29/08/09, HMT class excursion to Botanic Gardens. In this photo: Chen Ting, Sandra, Mr Tay, Li Zhi, Some-Mysterious-Hand. :D In this photo: Sun Yue, Ms Xue. In this photo: Li Ching, Shu Min, Jaime, Sun Yue. 20/09/09, My cousin Ivan Korkor and Jennifer Jiejie's wedding. Look at the chalet ! So big and so nice ! But i wonder, if you walk out of the bedroom, eyes half closed, will you fall into the pool? LOL. Its just outside the bedroom ma. And wtf, the bathroom has no door or ceiling ! Only the toilet bowl there have. But the space is damn small. /: Orhorh ! Litter ! LOL jkjk. :D 21/09/09, at Downtown East, Buddy Hoaggies(SP). My friends mixed weirdweird stuff into the ice-cream cup. It contains: Pepper, salt, a tea bag, tissue, chocolate ice-cream and chilli sauce. x.x 27/09/09, at a Western Food stall. Another mixture by the same friends. x.x It contains: Steak fats, vegetables, butter, black pepper sauce, chilli sauce, french fries, baked beans, coleslaw(SP), and maybe pee. LOL. Cos my friend went into the toilet, and came out, saying that he think he stepped on someone's pee. So he used a tissue paper to clean his shoe, then threw it into the mixture. =.= Disgusting, but yeah, thats how my friend is. LOL. Went to their house after that. 03/10/09, Changi Airport. Waiting for dad's arrival. Dad went to Thailand to work. 3 days, if i'm not wrong. My mum and i went to fetch him. Where is he? D: His flight was delayed quitea number of times, i think 3 times. -.- 5.06pm. Still nothing ! First picture: 30/09/09, second picture: 14/10/09. High scores for arcade basketball ! Hahas. I made new records in arcade basketball. Obviously its my own record la. x.x 17/10/09, Friends came to my house. My friends came to my house and we made sushi ! :D This is mine. Can easily recognise cos got alot of rice outside, on the seaweed. LOL.
Oh, and i realised i said i wouldn't blog because of exams, but.. Well, here i am ! Hahas.
Anyway. Chinese and English EOY papers done liao. Chinese(Yesterday) -Easier than what Ms Xue said, but still not easy for me. Ms Xue scared us la walao. =.= English(Today) - Not easy too. Sian la, i forgot to count how many points i have in my summary sia ! Die liaos. And LOL I LOVE MY COMPO. Not because i did well, but because i wrote about MS LOY. MUAHAHAHAHAS. I chose Topic2, which said something like, "Start your composition with this: I couldn't believe my eyes. The person that was walking into the classroom was going to be my teacher for the rest of the year..." And LOL i talked about Ms Loy's twitching nose sia. And i "made her" have bad breath, crooked and yellow teeth, a triangular mouth, and pointed ears. ROFL. :D. But i have a feeling my story is too abrupt. I have a feeling i'll fail ! ): Next paper is Geog. I need to study ! >.< |