welcome, yo.
I don't know how you managed to stumble upon this blog, but yeah hello anyway. Feel free to explore and leave a tag, even though i know my tagboard's filled with nothing but adverts now. /:CHERYL♥AVIARY;
i shall try and rmb what happened those days.. 24th - 26th Oct, Fri - Sun As mentioned in my previous post, i went to a chalet. Hehes, had a greeaat time there. On Saturday was a BBQ(this was to celebrate my friend's birthday). =P Ohh yea, on the first night, which was 24th, Triston, Austin(both brothers, my friends), Ken(cousin), Ferdinand(friend, the b'day boy, oldest among us), my bro and I shared the same room. It was a GIGANTIC room, just that dhun have anything.. No beds, no mirrors, no tables, no nothing. =P And PLEASE, dhun "xiang wai", cos i share the same room with them, and i'm the only girl there. =.= The boys slept 1 side, and i slept the other side. ._. Anyway, we weren't tired at all, so we were playing cards until late night, i think 3am.. then the adults came in and told us to go to bed. then we just pretended to sleep, then when they left, we all got up. Hehes! After a while, we realised Triston was asleep already. Then the boys decided to disturb him. Austin "shouted" in his ear many times, saying stuff lyke "zhao huo le!!zhao huo le!!" which means "fire!!fire!!" in chinese, and they took him phone and set an alarm, then put by his ear, then Austin took his bball and pretended to play bowling, and rolled it onto Triston, then he used his hand and pretended to play golf and whacked his butt many times ._. and guess what, HE DIDN'T EVEN MOVE! LOL!!!! We only told him the next morning, and he was lyke,"got mehh??" HAHAHAHS. Actually, my mum said we were gonna stay till Monday, 27th Oct, but dhunnoe why, in the end stay only until Sunday. D: Ferdinand was damn upset, cos no one there to sleep over le. So he was alone, in that big big room. He wanted to go home, but his mum didn't allow him. =x 27th Oct, Mon The night before, Triston, Austin, Ken and my other cousin, Samuel, came to my house to sleep over for 1 night. The next day, we went to Pasir Ris Park to skate. ![]() 28th Oct, Tuesday Its back to school again. Mdm Lim gave a few of us an assignment. MAPLESTORY VS AUDITION. Vanessa Chong, Dione, Steph&I were doing for Audi, while Jeria, Benjamin, and another 2 boys(i forgot who) were doing for Maple. So on that day, i went to Steph's house to get some pictures of audi. screenshots, to be exact. Just one prob. Steph's screeenshot for prob de, you take le, it'll "hang", but the music will go on. After that, i realised must press ALT+F4, then can resume. But a few times if unlucky, will close down lor. =x So kinda mah fan. ._. We spent 4 hours doing that, cos it was quite difficult. Btw, we had to present it on thursday. 29th Oct, Wed After school, went to watch HighSchoolMusical3 with Nat, Minglu, Megan, Kezia, Zhuojing, Steph&I. After that, Steph had to meet her mum at WS to get her skates. Kezia&I followed her. NOT FAIR!! All of them got skates except for me sia!! Kezia last time got la, but she overgrew it le. but still counted as got skates. NOT FAIR!!!! 30th Oct, Thurs It was the day - AUDI VS MAPLE. The results were out at the last period. Best group award - AUDI!!! :D:D WE WON!!! Best speaker award - Benjamin. Anyway, after school, went skating with Nat, Minglu, Megan, Steph&I. I fell down many times, cos i wanted to try skating down slope, which i had nvr tried before. i couldn't stop, even though Nat grabbed me. If i'm not wrong, i fell down on my butt 4 times, and 3 times while getting up(these 3 aren't on my butt). =x Then, stupid Torrence came, and after a while, Yong Wen came too. =.= They kept disturbing us, so we went up to Minglu's house. Played lyke crazy there. Hehes. And i got tricked. Twice. =x Shan't say about that. I left her house at 6.30pm, with steph and Megan. Steph skated her way home. lols i guess she's still excited on getting a new pair of skates? =x 31Oct, Fri Today.. Its.. HALLOWEEN!! Vaness and a big group of people going Escape today, cos the Haunted House should be open le, and Steph say that will have people dressed up as ghosts to scare you. But Vaness say she not confirm goin, cos its 7pm - 11pm. ._. So far, nothing interesting happened. And i'm using my mum's lappy again, but gonna off after posting this. So, tatas? P.S Don't have any pics for the skating with Nat and the others one, but i'll put them in ASAP. For now, only the Ferdi's b'day one. (Ferdi = Ferdinand. Short form, in case you dhunnoe. =x)
Had a whale of a time there. =) Played Audi, snake and ladders, stress.. :D Then went home that time, i purposely took the lift, so that my kakak will think that i just come back from Megan's house. Took the same lift as steph. then, when steph just nice close the lift door le, the other lift door opened, AND MY KAKAK CAME OUT. lols, i thought i'd be dead, but she was "angry" with me for not smsing her, telling her whether i eating lunch at home or not. but i was surprised, cos i didn't rmb telling her "i not so sure, i'll ask my friend then sms you whether i eating lunch at home or not." i only rmb telling her that i going to Megan's house, will eat lunch in school. LOL, then she "slapped" me a few times. hahahs, softly la, if not why got inverted commas de. =x OH SHYT. 4.45pm le. gotta go. fetch Ken from Pasir Ris MRT station. I tonight going to chalet then stay there, tml got BBQ to celebrate my friend's birthday. staying till Monday morning, i think. :D so dhun expect a post these few days. Okay, gotta go le. tatas~ (:
NAT GOT WET!!! LOL! Lols, she got wet by Minglu, cos they took her Harry Potter book away from her. That time Steph got the book, so Minglu took Kezia's water bottle, hoping for an exchange. But then, Kezia said something lyke "you pass me back my water bottle, then i'll try to get your book back :) " But of course, Minglu did not believe la. Then dhunno why, she suddenly sprayed water over Nat. LOL! I'm not sure of the full story la. Ask other ppl lor. Or maybe read steph's profile book, cos Megan was writing what was happening then. Oh yeah, and i started my profile book le. :D And i'm planning to take an individual picture of my "lovable friends", and then a group photo to put in my profile book. (: PLEASE ALLOW MY TO DO SO!
and thanks, ken for sabo-ing me once again. (: 1) what's the first thing you think of when you wake up? Errm.. Something personal. 2) what's your favourite anime character? Lols, i don't really watch anime, actually.. But i remember one character: Inuyasha! =x 3) who are your best friends? Ahahas, this one can't be said, or i'll be telling you one of the answer in my friend's test. =P 4) where do you live? Somewhere in Singapore. (: Thats the answer my bro always gives me when i ask him where is something. 5) who's your favourite band? Lols, dhunnoe? 6) what's your favourite song currently? Ermm.. lemme think.. One in a million? I dunnoe, thats the most recent song i heard. 7) who's the person you lyke most in your class? I have many: My lovable friends!! :D 8) Who's the person you dislike most in ur class?
Errmm.. dhunnoe? 9) What is your CCA? Choir!! :D 10) Who's your best friend in your CCA? None. My best friend is ______. :D 11) Who's your favourite singer? Avril Lavigne? 12) Which song you lyke best sung by him/her? Lols i dhunnoe, all her songs are nice. 13) What games do you play? What kind? Comp games, board games, or what.. 14) Who's the person you respect most in class? MdmLim? 15) Why do you respect him/her? Cos she's my form teacher? (I DON'T respect LinLaoShi, cos i hate her.) 16) Who's the person you think can be a singer in the future? Nat!! :D 17) Why do you think he/she can do it? cos her voice damn nice lor!! She was a soloist for this year's SYF choir, and gonna be again for our graduation night. GRADUATION NIGHT!! 18)Who's your trustworthy friend? Ahahs, lovable friends again :D 19) Who's the friend who lied to you and you still considered as a friend? I don't remember any friend lieing to me.. =x 20) Who's the most cutest person in class? wth lols, lovable friends? :D 21) Which person of the opposite sex do you think is always acting cute? Ermm.. Dhunnoe? LOL. 22) What do you think you are best at in class? Ahahs, being last in class. :D 23) Do you think the person in question 19 considers you as a friend? No answer to this question. (: 24) What's your favourite anime show? wth i told you, i don't really watch anime!!! I can only remember a few. Inuyasha, D-Gray Man, HellGirl.. Inuyasha i didn't really watch lor. D-Gray Man also. HellGirl.. I watched one one episode. =.= 25) Who you love in class other then yourself? LOL, LOVABLE FRIENDS! Saboing time hahas :) -Steph -Nat -Minglu -Megan
my mum's comp "broke down". it can't start up. even worse than before. AFTER MY DAD DID SOMETHING TO IT. well.. he said that he was the "computer killer", anyway. ._. So now, i'm using my mum's laptop. cos my kakak using my other comp. =.= i secretly used the lappy. SHHH. =x anyway, no mum's comp = NO AUDITION!!! why? simply cos, MY BRO DELETE AUDITION FROM THE OTHER COMP AGAIN. and why? JUST TO MAKE SOME SPACE. idiot!! arrrrrhhhss. and now, using the lappy, i can only play internet games. ._. and blog. GRrrrrr.. when my bro gets back from school today, i'm gonna ask him whether i can download audi back. >.< and as you can see, i've changed my blogskin yet again. thanks, steph~ :D i changed it cos in my other blogskin, the picture on top has http://emotionalkitty.bs.com and i have changed my URL, if you don't know. but you should, cos i put a "relink" blogskin in the previous URL there already. oh yeah, i'm supposed to do another quiz from Ken. will be on the next post! (:
Weell.. It started lyke this: We(Kezia, Jeremy, Steph, WeiJie, Weili, Vanessa&I) met each other at the bus stop. Jeremy was late, and we missed 1 bus. ._. We had to wait quite long for the other to come. =.= The first ride was the Go-Kart, but steph didn't wanna ride, cos she didn't know how to drive it. =x Well, according to steph, we queued for 1hour, and rode for only 2min! =o At the starting, i overtook WeiJie, but Weili went in front of me. Jeremy was also in front of me. Then at the slope there, Jeremy's kart suddenly broke down. And i crashed into him, cos i was right behind him!! =.= The impact was quite strong too, as i was still accelerating. =.= Obviously, the others went ahead of us, and the both of us had to wait in the HOT SUN for the crew members to come. =.= Anyway, we went for the Flipper after that. You know, the one lyke you sit in "cups"(what vaness calls them) and they go up and down. The boys were supposed to scream lyke girls, while we girls, have to scream lyke boys, which is something lyke a low-pitched "ahhhh", cos boys break their voices, don't they? Hehes. After that was the Inverter. the one that goes upside down. :D The thing pressed on our legs reeeeally hard that we couldn't move, AND IT HURTS. And its really uncomfortable!! >.< We rode it twice in a row, and my leg had that "OP"printing, cos i was wearing an "OP" skirt-pants. =x Next ride was the Wet&Wild. :D I didn't ride it before, as the last time i went there, it was upgrading. >.< It was really fun lor!! I sat in front, while Steph sat at the back. The seat was wet, and when we went upwards, the water flowed towards us. x.x Oh yeah, when it went up, it was SUPER NOISY. there was this rythmic beat. LOL. Steph got drenched form head to toe after the second drop(there were two drops, one is 5 or 10metres, the 2nd once was 15metres). I was quite dry, though. =P We went on the Viking Ship after that. the boys sat on the highest row, Vaness&Steph sat on the row in front of them, while Kezia&I sat on the 2nd row. =x The guys wanted to challenge the other side with screaming, but when i looked at the other side, IT WAS FULL, while our side had only 7 of us!! So pathetic sia!! Anyway, the girls didn't scream, but the boys did. They screamed lyke girls!! I don't even think i can reach that high lor!! Vaness&Steph had a hard time. they were lyke.. wanna hold the bars, but also wanna cover their ears. =.= Poor them. =x Then, the boys wanted to sit on the mini roller coaster thing, but it started drizzling. =.= We then headed to the BurgerKing/Orange Julia's place and had our lunch. I didn't really eat there, just had a $2.70 sprite. Kezia was surprised that i could finish that whole cup. =x Kezia&Vaness bought a hotdog, and WeiJie was lyke telling Vaness,"Eh vaness, they got clean the hotdog or not? or still got blood?" EWW. You should know what he meant. =.= He also added in "Or you prefer with blood de?" And Vaness couldn't help laughing, and almost couldn't finish her hotdog. ._. It stopped raining after that, but we had to wait for a long while, as the rides were all closed for cleaning. =.= We tried the other Go-Kart(beginner's track de), and so did steph. :D There were only 2 karts available, and we weren't allowed to "tompang"(ride another person) each other as we had to be at least 18 years old. So we could only go 2 by 2. Steph went with Vaness, I went with Kezia, and WeiJie went with Weili. Jeremy didn't wanna play. No, actually, he was too short. =x Vaness said that Steph was driving in the middle of the 2 lanes, so she couldn't overtake her. LOL. But in the end, Vaness managed to overtake her la. =x Hehes. Then, we tried the mini roller coaster ride thing. xD Steph&I sat together in the first row, and we tried the low-pitched scream again. Lol, we were too soft, though. The next ride was the Wet&Wild again. :D This time, Steph sat in front, and I sat at the back. And then, i got drenched now! =.= We went to change after that, as it was really uncomfortable. =x But soon after, it started raining again!! Zzz.. =.= We then followed the boys to E!Hub de arcade, and played and played and played. :D We saw many people from PRPS there too. JiaHui was there, with some friends. I didn't know who they were, though. =x We went out to check if the rain had stopped, but unfortunately, it was RAINING HEAVIER!! It was so heavy that when you look outside, you might think it isn't raining, but instead got haze. =.= After playing there, we went home lors. We had to walk in the rain(it wasn't as heavy le, surprisingly) to the bus stop, though. WeiJie left first on bus5, followed by Kezia&I, on bus6. Jeremy, Weili, Vaness&Steph had to wait for the other buses lor. In the end, Kezia&I reached home at 4.55pm. 5min earlier. =P I think this is the first time i came back home earlier than the time i told my kakak i'd come back, if i go out with friends. =x And thats how we spent our first PSLE marking day. ;D And Nat, I think our outing is still more fun. :D P.S Sorry steph, for using the "And thats how we spent our first PSLE marking day" thing. I got that from your blog post. ;D
You can ask Minglu or Steph what were we laughing about. I'm too lazy to type. =x Anyway, now at Steph's house. And i've changed my URL. So, PLEASE RELINK! Hehes, okay. Shan't go on further. My 91st post, btw. (: Byes~
PSLE IS GONE!!!!!! :D:D:D I see many many people online now. Lols. And Audi i lagging lyke crazy cos alot of people login. =.= Lag till can't play properly =.= Anyway, NO MORE PSLE!!! NO MORE PSLE!!! NO MORE PSLE!!! NO MORE PSLE!!! NO MORE PSLE!!! NO MORE PSLE!!! YAYYYY!!!! LOL, I'M CRAZY ALREADY. ;D Okay, I go play my facebook le. Since Audi can't play and Maple patching. ._. BUHBYE~~~~
Hmms... Just 2 more days to PSLE, and 9 more days to PSLE over~!~! ;D I studying lyke siao already.. But my dad allow my use comp a while, cos this morning i did alot of work. (: Now asking HeLaoShi how to prepare for my chinese.. >.< I really hope i'm not too late, asking all these questions just before PSLE.. Lets see... After PSLE, we shall: - go crazy everyday in class - play comp as soon as we get home - hang out with each other more often - have after-PSLE-celebrations together ;D nice plan, eh? xDD kay, i shall stop here. byebye~ P.S Good luck, all P6s~~ |