welcome, yo.
I don't know how you managed to stumble upon this blog, but yeah hello anyway. Feel free to explore and leave a tag, even though i know my tagboard's filled with nothing but adverts now. /:CHERYL♥AVIARY;
The holidays are finally here, and guess what. It's not like the secondary school holiday where the teacher still gives you assignments to do whatsoever, because next term we're taking different modules already! So it's really a PURE holiday :')
Manqin, Claire and I are actually thinking of looking for a job for this 1+ month holiday, but then i realised if we were to exclude the times at least one of us isn't free, we don't really have much time to work /: Idk if people would hire us, if that's the case... Oh well, see how everything goes i guess, we still have to find a job first.
I signed up for this equestrian thing for the first two weeks of the holidays, whereby we learn how to take care of horses and the trainers would also teach us how to RIDE a horse!! Omg i am so excited for that :D Dr Chan said we'd be assigned a pony to EACH of us, can you imagine?! It's like that pony's your own PET!
Oh and remember somewhere in May/June i fell down and had a really deep wound on my elbow (plus the bruises and superficial cuts on my other 3 limbs? Look what happened to that deep wound/: IT LOOKS HORRIBLE :'( If you tell me it's the kind of scars that are just slightly browner than your normal skin colour or whatever, it's still not so bad. But this, THIS IS LIKE HAVING SOME EXTRA PIECE OF MEAT STICKING OUT OF MY ELBOW ): And i know it has been a couple of months, but when i knock onto something at a certain place of that injury, IT HURTS LIKE HELL.I really do hope this isn't the "end product" of my scar, cos it really looks pretty gross..thank god it's on my elbow which isn't some obvious place on my body though. Sigh ): Never thought i'd ever get such a weird and bad scar, honestly. Anyway, time to talk about happier stuff: Two days ago (1st Sept) was Manqin's birthday, and guess what! I did something that i've never done before - i surprised her by going all the way to her doorstep to deliever her birthday present hehehe :D Y'know, when i was thinking of it, i planned to wish her happy birthday, hug her, and then talk a little (like explain why my present was wrapped separately), then leave to meet Qianqian to study. But i got really nervous and excited cos it was my first time, so when Manqin came to the door, i forgot EVERY SINGLE THING i planned to do and say, and just kept laughing non-stop >_> But Manqin was surprised nevertheless, so yesssss success! :D Hehehe. Alright gonna go cook something for lunch, then head out to meet Claire to accompany her to get her birthday present for Manqin:p |