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School's starting soon..
Friday 12 April 2013 @ 02:33
Today's the 12th of April...which means it's 3 more days to the first day of my orientation. Honestly, a part of me can't wait for school to start, while another part of me DREADS it.

That part of me that wants to go to school feels BORED at home. I'm seriously just sitting in front of the computer all day, watching dramas like i mentioned in my previous post. I mean yeah, i did do some other stuff like make early grey cookies with Manqin and cook dinner (porridge, aaaas usuaaalllll) for parents occasionally, but that's all that i do.

I hardly go out, cos no one asks me out and i didn't ask anyone out either. Thats why i feel like going back to school. Back in secondary school i hated it when our holidays end, but thats because we don't feel the boredom in those holidays. Why? Because they're always flooded with loads of "holiday homework". But this particular holiday, approximately 5 months long, has no homework to take up our holiday. It's 5 months of freedom. Of course, it feels really awesome to rest without worries, but as soon as it reaches the 4th or 5th month of the holiday it gets really boring. And that's for me, who occupied myself with work earlier. Imagine if i didn't get a job. So yeah thats why a part of me wants to go back to school. 

The other part of me dreads going to school because it's a new environment. I'm not a social butterfly, or an extrovert, or an outspoken person or whatever that makes it easy to socialise. I'm really afraid of the loneliness i may feel in my new school. I'm not the kind who can easily go up to someone and say, "Hey, i'm Cheryl. What's your name?" okay maaaaybe i can say that, but what comes after? I have no idea. "Wanna hang out" ? Or "Let's be friends" ? Idk how to continue the conversation, i'd probably just give that awkward .okaaaaaay. nod and keep quiet...and make the entire atmosphere awkward.

I heard from Sandra that Arabel from my primary school is in the same course as me. Initially, for just a second, i was kinda happy to know that there's someone i know in my course. But after that, it just hit me that i'm not close to Arabel. I probably only said "Hi" to her and nothing else in primary school..i don't remember talking to her. So yeah, idk if it'll be awkward seeing her. I hope not, i mean after all it's like making a new friend since we were just acquaintances in primary school, right? Ah idk, idk how to approach her anyw..i have a problem approaching popular people. Somehow i just keep thinking that popular people would look down on me /: I know i know, self esteem issues. But i can't help it. I tend to feel very...low-class when i see popular kids. 

But Sandra says Arabel's very friendly. So i guess it should be fine..? Ah who knows maybe Arabel doesn't even remember me/: 

But anyway apart from all those. I really really REALLY hope i won't have troubles opening up to others, especially on the first day. I guess i'll have to participate in those cheers and activities enthusiastically in order to fit in. Cos if not, i'll probably have no friends. Idk, thats what i'm thinking at the moment hahaha. 

Ohwell, just hope for the best then. (: So far everyone who has gone for their orientations seem to have had lots of fun, so i hope i will too!   

Update at 4.22am: Changed blogskin yay! Gosh this took me so long to do (i'm not really good at such stuff; i'm still trying to find out how i can put my photo in the profile section. Shall try that some other day) and i just remembered i'm meeting Manqin at 12pm tomorrow and the latest i should wake up is about 10.30am so...I ONLY HAVE 6 HOURS OF SLEEP LEFT OMG. 

Second update the next day, 3.56pm: YES i managed to put my photo. Genius me yayyyy. Okay not genius i don't deserve that title haha