welcome, yo.
I don't know how you managed to stumble upon this blog, but yeah hello anyway. Feel free to explore and leave a tag, even though i know my tagboard's filled with nothing but adverts now. /:CHERYL♥AVIARY;
I said no. Dio and Gordon didn't believe me, they kept asking if i was sure and they emphasized that it was TRUTH or Dare. At that point of time, i just kept saying no. I really wasn't lying. But their persistent are-you-sure questions made me confused again. A few days/weeks ago, i told myself that i shall not like him anymore. Claire knows, i told her the same thing. It feels like i don't like him anymore, cos i never harbour any thoughts of getting back with him someday. But at the same time, i know he has this special place in my heart. Its reallyreally small, so small i feel like i can just neglect it. But its still big enough for me to know its there. It feels like i am finally getting over him, its like i don't really bother about him anymore. But i know, deep down, i still have this hope that we'd be friends. I don't want us to be like that, total strangers. We don't even say hi to each other. Its horrible. I hate how relationships ruin friendships. I shall not think about him or related stuffs, its not the time to. O'levels this year. Prelims are in about 4 weeks, and i'm pretty much screwed cos so far all i've revised is Physics chapter 1 (that simple topic of unit measurement) and Chem Kinetic Particle Theory. Thats it. Just praying real hard that i'll stop procrastinating anymore and manage my time well so i have more time to revise. I need to do well. P.S 400th post, yayyyy (x |