welcome, yo.
I don't know how you managed to stumble upon this blog, but yeah hello anyway. Feel free to explore and leave a tag, even though i know my tagboard's filled with nothing but adverts now. /:CHERYL♥AVIARY;
Sigh i don't understand why this can go on for so long. I don't even know when it'll end. It will, for sure, but i just don't know when. And i know it would end for sure, cos its just one-sided. And i'm 99% sure -bleep- doesn't feel the same way i do. Cos if he feels the same way i do, he wouldn't have ignored me. Oh well. On a brighter note, its International Kissing Nutella Day!(: okay actually its International Kissing Day and World Nutella Day , but i thought putting them together would be kinda funny. So yeah happy both celebrations everyone! Now on a sad note again.. School's giving us remedials all at one go. Which means we're gonna stay back almost everyday. Lets see... Monday - English. Tuesday - Choir. Wednesday - Chinese. Thursday - Elect Geog and SS(luckily i'm not down for this cos Mrs Tan's good enough), alternating Thursdays. Friday - Choir. I forgot where Science remedial fits in, oops. See how great Sec 4 life is? Juniors out there, don't mock me. Cos you'll be experience all these someday. Still looking for a female Amath private tutor. Hopefully can find one. P.S 2 weeks till my kakak leaves me... Sigh :'( |