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Kakak left :'(
Sunday, 19 February 2012 @ 11:54
Just came home from the airport..
Kakak just left. She's leaving for good, probably only coming back after two years when my bro goes for NS.

I was so upset, i cried in the airport. :'( She cried too..
Actually ever since Janurary (when she first said that she was gonna leave), i've been silently crying. Everytime i thought of her leaving, tears would start welling up in my eyes. But i'd control. I'd either control, or just go toilet and wash my face.
Only yesterday night, when i got into bed, and saw her lying down (she wasn't asleep yet), i thought, this would be the last time she's gonna sleep beside me..then i started crying again. She heard my loud sniffs, and knew i was crying. While trying to comfort me, she herself cried.

Sigh, 16 years of taking care of me, taking care of the family, and now she's leaving. Of course i'd cry. She's like a second mummy to me.

Tbh, i'm starting to tear up while typing this alr haha.

Just hope i wouldn't randomly think of her during school hours and start breaking down in school. Gonna be really embarrassing...I need to constantly do stuffs to get those thoughts out of my mind.

2 years...i will wait for you Kakak. :') Must keep in contact, okay? (:

I love you <3