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Prelims in 6 weeks.
Monday, 12 March 2012 @ 22:54
Was looking at the whole list of archives. And i realised, i have been blogging since 2008! And i also realised, i blogged at least once a month. Cos there is an archive for every single month since i started this blog! :D


Okay i don't see any reason why i should be celebrating.

Well anyway. Prelim 1 is in 6 weeks' time. I feel panicky, but i really don't feel like mugging . It just feels too early. I know if i don't start soon i'll just flunk my prelims, but i just can't motivate myself to start studying. And its studying from scratch, which is worse. Its not like common test, whereby you just study certain chapters of a subject.

What am i saying. Obviously prelims can't be compared with common tests omgosh -_-

Jiawei said he's gonna start studying tomorrow onwards. Maybe i should do the same. IF i cann get myself to ._. I have to study, do homework, AND housework. Will i be able to cope?

Or will i just die there?
I don't know. Guess i'll just have to give it a shot.