welcome, yo.
I don't know how you managed to stumble upon this blog, but yeah hello anyway. Feel free to explore and leave a tag, even though i know my tagboard's filled with nothing but adverts now. /:CHERYL♥AVIARY;
All i've gotta say is that it was kinda boring, cos we just visited those... Historical places. Like the Forbidden City, some Si4 He2 Yuan4 thingy, the Confucious temple, and blahblah. The only fun was my friends. :D:D Some sadness within the trip thoughh, but overall...Yeah kinda fine. (: And i realised that this trip has brought our whole class together, much much closer. Its like, i've made more friends (even though we've been in the same class for two years already hahaha). Yep its really cool to know them all better, and it seriously is fun with them. :D Well so one trip down, one to go . Yes, two trips in a single holiday. Wow. >_> But it won't be thaaat long, 5 days i think. Oh and i'm going with my family this time! With friends too, Triston Austin Vivien they all. :D We're going to Phuket, Thailand. Hope there won't be any....protests o.o Oh yeahh another thing: My kakak's leaving for Indonesia on the same day as i'm leaving for Thailand. She's going home for 3 weeks. While i'm only going for 1 . Which means, housework left for my bro and I. At first, we decided that i'd do the clothes and dish-washing, he'd do the mopping/vacuuming and cooking. But then, after coming back from China, I found out that he's got a job. At some bubble tea shop, Shui3 Yan2 She4. And apparently, he's working EVERYDAY. So which also means, i'm gonna be home alone EVERYDAY. AND it also means, I HAVE TO DO ALL THE HOUSEWORK. ALONE. ?!?!?!?! Plus, i've got homework to do! Ridiculous homework such as doing Sec1 and 2 math practice papers when i'm going to Sec3 next year, and typing out my Sec2 EOY composition piece and handing it in to my teacher next year! I think the teachers have no homework to give us but they just want us to DO something so they're making up stupid homework for us. Can't they just give us a break?! Its obvious that next year, Sec3's gonna have much more homework, so why give us homework now?? Holiday = any day of exemption of work, NOT more homework to do!! Don't teachers get the definition of holiday? They're teachers after all, they're supposed to know meanings of simple words like HOLIDAY. >:( P.S Ever since i came back from China, i've decided to kinda stop playing most of my Facebook games. I'd just accept requests and close it i guess. Cos i was thinking, i should stop earlier so that when in Sec3, i won't keep thinking "My food's gonna chao da!" or "My crops are gonna die!" and i can focus on my work. See, i'm such a guaikia. :D:D Ah well. Hope it actually works. -.-