welcome, yo.
I don't know how you managed to stumble upon this blog, but yeah hello anyway. Feel free to explore and leave a tag, even though i know my tagboard's filled with nothing but adverts now. /:CHERYL♥AVIARY;
So i finally got to talk to you again. Why did you even ignore me since then? Was it my fault for doing that ? ------------------------------------------------------------------- Today was Inter-CCA games day, so yay! :D Okay actually not really yay, but nevermind. Participated in the Basketball one. I must say, Choir really damn slack lahs. No one participate one lor ! I wonder whats gonna happen to Choir on Inter-CCA day next year onwards. So yeahh, i wasn't supposed to be in the Bball team but Felicia said i could so i just went lor. So for Choir, only Felicia, Shane, Chen Ting and I went for Basketball. We then combined with some of the guys from the Badminton team, Wei Heng, Bryan and Boon Wee. Cos we did not have guys. Actually we were quite lucky luh, cos Wei Heng is a basketball player afterall. And i found out that Bryan and Boon Wee were good too. O: I was kiiinda slacking lahs. I mean, i can't defense and i can't dribble well. So I did nothing but shoot. And my shooting today was kinda failed. Out of 6 - 7 shots, only 2 went in /: But still, thanks to the pro-er people in our team, we actually managed to beat all the teams we battled with ! :D Until the semi-finals. We fought with....with some CCA i forgot which HAHA. And we claimed 3rd place. But then the umpires suddenly said we had to have a rematch, this time with NPCC which was fighting for 1st place earlier. Cos there was a calculation error. We were supposed to fight for 1st instead, not NPCC. We then lost to NPCC for that round, so in the end still claim 3rd place. But i think, if they didn't have the calculation error, we could have gotten 2nd lor ! ): Ah well, nevermind. At least we had a 3rd! (: OH YES. Today, i was taking Bus3 home as usual. I normally sit at the seat directly behind the bus driver's seat. Yeah you know, the super small seat? Cos i don't like sitting with other people. So i choose to sit there. But that seat, idk if its a one-seater or what, but its like too small to be two-seater and yet too big to be one-seater. But i take it as one-seater lahs. Well anyway i was just listening to music, blahblah....Then there was this woman suddenly standing beside where i was. Then she suddenly like ask me to move. Then i "huh??" and at the same time removed my earpiece from my ears, cos i couldn't hear her. In the end i realised she was asking me to move in, so i thought "Argh fine move then move luh." LITTLE DID I KNOW SHE WAS SO FAT. She literally SQUISHED me to the side of the bus, wtf! I got so squashed up by her such that i couldn't move my hands and legs ! And my leg got pressed against the little part of the wall that pops out (check it out when you take the new bus) and till now there's still a deep line on my thigh, wtfreak. SERIOUSLY ! If you're too fat , just don't squeeze with others can! Walaoe eh, still got other seats available, still want squeeze with me for what sia . If you were skinny i'd be fine, but you totally SQUASHED me you know! ARGH how i hate those people ! >:(