Happy Birthday to Sophie and Judy! :D
Monday, 27 September 2010 @ 23:02
 First of all:
One year older already, muahahahahas ! :D
Wellll okay so today we went out to celebrate Soph's birthday(despite the fact that exams are starting on Wednesday) . We were like deciding where to go for ice cream. First was the ice cream cafe opp police station. Then it was Marine Parade library's Gelato. Then we came to a decision: Swensens.
ARGH WHY THE EXPENSIVE ONE ): But yeah it was a big group so okay luh . 9 people leh ! Minus Sophie, the price is divided by 8 people ^^ .
So yeah i thought we were going there just for the ice cream. In the end we ordered pizza. Then Nick and Sophie got their free ice cream. I had two slices of pizza and a few spoons of ice-cream( freeloaded from Soph and Nick, heheheehehe. :D)
Yep we were like acting crazy there. Gordon and Sabrina went hyperly-crazy over colouring pictures. They were competing in who could colour the picture quicker LOL . Oh and there was a woman with orange skin and a brown patch on her forehead, credits to Gordon xD . Sab coloured a green panda. Gordon coloured Avatar-Man. xD
OH OH OH and when Nicholas was choosing the ice cream flavour, Sandra&I were beside him. Then he was like, "Should I have strawberry or the Stick Chewy...thing?"
Then Sandra "STICKCHEWYCHOCOLATEEE!" Then Nick said okay then told the ice cream guy he wanted "sticky chewy....somethingsomething."
Then the guy gave him a look. According to Sandra, he was probably thinking: This guy must be some ladies' man or something , then he's buying ice cream for them.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA ! Then the funniest part was, when he gave the cup of ice cream to Nick, IT HAD TWO SPOONS ! LOLOLOL !
OMG Sandra and I were laughing like hell man xDD I was wondering why he didn't give a third spoon, and i think its prolly cos only Sandra was squealing for Sticky Chewy Chocolate. HAHAHAHA.
Oh how fun it is to hang out with people like them. xD Sophie, Sandra, Nicholas, Jutima, Sabrina, Gordon, Dionis and ManQin made my day today man. xD
And even though its not my birthday today, i still gotta thank you all for making my second-last-day-before-the-eoys a funfun and crazy day! :D