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Some pictures, and videos. (:
Friday, 15 May 2009 @ 16:04
Got some pictures and videos to show ya all. (:

o9th May

Was my kakak's birthday. Just some pictures of her birthday.

My bro and kakak. (:

I know i look weird. =.= i actually wanted to "censor" my face(again), but i think it would affect my kakak's face. So, nope. Left it alone. =(

12th May(i think)

Was in dad's car, and saw a rainboww. (:

This one isn't that obvious. Just look closer.

This is the most obvious one. (:

Ooo look ! Someone's getting married ! (This isn't a rainbow. =.=)

13th May(i think)

Watched Don't Forget The Lyrics(American), and took some pictures and videos of the winner. She won $500,000 sia..! :O

She was thinking whether or not to continue to the million dollar song.

LOL see the difference in SIZE. O.O

Just try and listen la. And sorry about the laughter and me saying "Why she dance ahh??!!" in the video. xD

Done. (: