welcome, yo.
I don't know how you managed to stumble upon this blog, but yeah hello anyway. Feel free to explore and leave a tag, even though i know my tagboard's filled with nothing but adverts now. /:CHERYL♥AVIARY;
But it wasn't my fault ! I didn't do anything ! I merely stood behind him and watched him play comp yesterday, then when he "died" in the game, he got angry, suddenly turned around and screamed his head off at me, telling me to go away. Wth? i mean, i didn't even say anything, or make any noise ! And yet i got screamed at for nothing ! Thats what i really don't like. And then i went into my parents' room, just feeling all angry inside myself. Then my dad ask me what happened, then i told him. In the end, my dad scolded my bro before we went out, then for the whole day he "black face". Whole day never talk to me, whole day angry, whole day silent. Until this morning, i guess he was still angry, thats why he locked himself in the room. He only came out after finishing his computer-playing. Then he started talking to kakak liaos. not some sorta casual talking la, but just.. at least still talking la. like, asking about lunch and stuff. Then me leh? He just ignored me. Just now before he left home to go out buy his lunch, he asked my kakak to lock the main gate for him. Normally, he would ask ME to do that. But no, this time he asked my kakak to lock the gate. =( I actually wanted to give him Mango Green Tea bubble tea(his fav) as his birthday present, but i think today cannot give him present le. who knows, he might just throw the whole bubble tea away without drinking it, or reject it, or just give it to kakak. I wonder how is he gonna feel when we do the "cut-cake" thingy tonight. Kakak and i are gonna go to White Sands later at around 5pm to pick up the birthday cake. siiighhh... Should i buy the Mango Green Tea when i pick up the cake later? |