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Another day to remember ! :D
Friday, 15 May 2009 @ 10:32
Sooooo happyyy :D:D I just hope the other person's happy too.. :X

ANYWAY. My parents called my bro and i into their room to have a talk(again =.=), and guess what?


But because i overshot my expenditure twice last time, i had to have a punishment. The punishment was that my bro can have a new handphone before me. Wahahahahs actually, my dad almost wanted the punishment to be i get line 2 - 3 months after my bro, but when he checked for the lowest price one, it turned out to be a "sign-up-3-lines-at-the-same-time" one. So in the end, my dad decided to get that since it was the lowest priced one. Then the punishment change to the new handphone one lorh.

Actually, the punishment hor, i not really sad lehh. lols cos my current phone quite nice ma, only a liiittle too fat. :X but i'm fine with this handphone. (:

So.. Tonight we're going to Tampines Mall de M1 shop, to let my bro see the different kinds of models. To let him choose what he wants. My parents say maybe wait till next week or so then change ours to billplan. or line. whatever you call that. its just not prepaid. (:

Ohh and, i told myself yesterday, that i shall try and say the "F" word lesser. So vulgar. =(
Dunno why come Sec1 then so vulgar liao. Primary6 i was still the "guai guai" one, who only says "FREAK !" instead of "FU**!" :X So now, i shall try and change all my "FU**"s to "FREAK"s. :D

happyhappy ~