welcome, yo.
I don't know how you managed to stumble upon this blog, but yeah hello anyway. Feel free to explore and leave a tag, even though i know my tagboard's filled with nothing but adverts now. /:CHERYL♥AVIARY;
Anywayy. Played 3 matches altogether. Almost made it to the finals, but lost to 1E at the semifinals. Wasted. =( Don't feel like saying what i wanna say about the semifinal tie-breaker part. Not really say, more of complain. I dunno if its true that cannot drop the ball on the floor, though. My primary school i think got teacher did that before, but that was during PE period, so i thought nevermind de. But now got some people tell me say not counted de lorh. sighhh. dunno la. anyway its just a game, not a matter of life and death or whatsoever. Anywayy. People who keep asking me why Shane and I keep doing the word search : We just like it la, fun to us ma. :D 4 more days to my big daayyyy ~ Just hope it'll be a fun day... |