welcome, yo.
I don't know how you managed to stumble upon this blog, but yeah hello anyway. Feel free to explore and leave a tag, even though i know my tagboard's filled with nothing but adverts now. /:CHERYL♥AVIARY;
The weather became quite fine by 2pm, but they postponed the 100m and 4x100m to Thursday.. And i'm participating in 100m ! So disappointing. Sighh. Then in the end, couldn't skip higher mother tongue lesson. And XueLaoShi actually told us to memorise 3 poems !! I didn't bother to memorise, cos she say those participating thursday then she check. Then Shane&I were like "OMG. I NEVER BEI SHI(memorise poems)!!" lol. but dunno why, XueLaoShi let us off very very early, only around 20mins of class. not even class lor, she just return us the zuowen we did last time, and told us to do corrections, then let us off le. i think she had something on la. lol heng lor, she say thursday then check everyone's poem thingy. x.X heees, looking forward to Thursday ~ Well, not cos of the poem thing hor. Its the Sports Day Heats. :D But i scared sia, Queenie run damn fast de, then some more i need compete with her.. I just hope i can make it.. x.X Actually i run damn slow de, but i dunno why Samn wants me to participate. Then they need to fill up that space, so after "begging" me for dunno how long, i finally gave in. P.S I was exaggerating. They only told me to join, then i say don't want, then they say "please", then i say okay. LOL. :X Just some video i found on Jervina's blog :D |