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Uncle Danial's exhibits
Saturday, 4 April 2009 @ 11:00
forgot which day, but anyway, during our english period, we were brought to the library to see ANTIQUES. =D

Uncle Danial's. Here are the pics:

there. ;)

Ohh, and last thursday, when i was having swimming lessons, i got hurt. =(

Cos last 5min of lesson that time, our instructor let us go play at the water slides there. Then the girl in front of me slide le, then stopped at the end of the slide, cos there was a jam there. Then i didn't know, i went HEAD FIRST. then i couldn't stop myself ma, cos is water slide, then some more directly behind me got another girl, so we clashed and i dunno what happened, i had a cut on my eye there. the eyelid la. =.= then after that the instructor tell us go change lerhh. sad =(

Then now my right eye red red derhh, yesterday i couldn't open it fully.. today better lerhh, can sorta open fully. But still pain cos of the blue-black. =(

damn shitty sian.