welcome, yo.
I don't know how you managed to stumble upon this blog, but yeah hello anyway. Feel free to explore and leave a tag, even though i know my tagboard's filled with nothing but adverts now. /:CHERYL♥AVIARY;
bad day was on the 7th April, good day was yesterday, 10th April. Lets talk about bad first. Well, many many things happened on that day, which made me so frustrated and angry.. =.= Hmm lets see.. Well.. Okay larh, not all make me angry la. most of it. First, during choir on that day, Mr Shahril wasn't there, but he told the seniors to test us cos there's this performance which can only have 25 people going. 16 were the seniors, so they had to find 9 more juniors. Then, when they tested sop1 first. They asked us to sing 'On Suuri Sun Rantas', the last part. Apparently, some people thought it was the first part, and sang wrongly. Cos the last part and first part similar, is all "oooooo" de, just the tune is different. So in the end, they asked the first 4 to sing first. Which was Felicia, Junming, Weiren and I. Then we singsingsing, then got people sing wrong again. I was positively sure it wasn't me, but they thought one of them was me. And they thought Felicia and Weiren wasn't the one, so they told them to sit. So left Junming and I. And cos Junming sing very soft de, so they FINALLY realised i wasn't the one singing wrongly. But by then, i had already sang like.. over 7 -10 times?? =.= Next. During history class, Ms Ho(aka History Pig) had this game, have to answer questions de. Then it was my group's turn. The question was something like this: What system did the Zhou Dynasty use? Then we discussed among ourselves quickly, and decided the answer as 'Feudal System'. So i sorta raised my voice a little to let her hear me, and shouted out the answer. Then she like look at me, then ignore me, then say "Hurry up, decide on an answer if not time's up, i let the other groups answer." I thought she couldn't hear me cos the others were making so much noise, so i repeated 'Feudal System'. But again, she sort of ignored me !! So i kept saying the answer, again and again, but yet she still didn't hear me. So i was damn pissed off, then i said to my group members "What the fuck she deaf or what?!?! Aiyas you all say together la, i don't wanna "hurt" my voice just cos of her." Then SinYee and Dionis said Feudal System together, and guess what. HISTORY PIG DIDN'T HEAR THEM AS WELL. Walao eh ! 2 people say together sia. TWO PEOPLE !!!! =.= Then they also like me, keep saying the answer over and over again, then she finally hear it. =.= Sighh. =.= Next.. Ohh yarhh, we changed our seats. i didn't want to !!! =( Cos i was sitting at the window there, and i liked that seat because: 1) I can "daydream" and look outside, see whats going on. 2) Over there much more cooling. 3) Sitting with Dionis makes me sorta happy almost everyday, cos of her jokes. 4) Over there got SinYee and Sophie, and others. 5) Over there is sorta.. More "peaceful"? And the only good thing about shifting to the other end of the classroom is: 1) I get to sit behind Shane and Yuqi. =.= Lastly, in the evening, i had to go to Yanhui's house to reherse for the DEP thing. Then cos we started late, so we didn't really have much time. Then i also didn't wanna go back home so early ma, anyway not much homework and nothing to do at home. So i asked mummy to let me stay later a little, but she don't let. Then i tell her say we started really late, but she still don't let. So i was quite pissed off la. =.= Just a liiiiittle later also cannot. ._. Sighh. Brb, go have my lunch. After lunch then i talk about yesterday. :D lunch~ lunch~ lunch~ lunch~ lunch~ lunch~ lunch~ lunch~ lunch~ lunch~ lunch~ lunch~ lunch~ lunch~ lunch~ lunch~ lunch~ lunch~ lunch~ lunch~ lunch~ lunch~ lunch~ lunch~ lunch~ Back ! Heehees, now.. What happened yesterday. :D CAN'T TELL !! WAHAHAHAHAHAHS. LOL i know i'm evil ;) okayy, end of post. :D |