welcome, yo.
I don't know how you managed to stumble upon this blog, but yeah hello anyway. Feel free to explore and leave a tag, even though i know my tagboard's filled with nothing but adverts now. /:CHERYL♥AVIARY;
ITS MY BIRRRRRRRRRRTHHHHHHDAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!! :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO DEAR MEEEEEE, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME!!! :D:D:D And here's a funny thing i saw a few weeks back: I was in the car, at tampines mall the junction there. The pedestrian crossing showed the green man. Then i saw a girl, like maybe just reached 20s? She raaaaaaan across the road. I was like thinking, ooooo she's late for something! BUT NO. She RAN all the way to the other side of the road. Then she stopped. SHE STOPPED IN FRONT OF THE ICE CREAM MAN LOLOLOLOL! She actually ran across the road just to get ice cream! xD Alright bye. :D P.S he doesn't know its my birthday.... ): argh oh well, why should i bother. not all my friends will remember my birthday. just didn't expect he wouldn't know. its his 2nd month with his girlfriend anyw, ha ha ha. shouldn't expect much from him.