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Safety switch or mafan-ness?
Thursday, 20 January 2011 @ 23:21
okay short one. Superduper tired right now, have been sleeping late past few days cos of homework.

So yeah you all know about this..switch in a car, that locks the door? Its to prevent infants from opening the door while parents are driving. Even though from inside it looks unlocked, it is locked if you change the switch to lock mode.

Yep and today, i took my dad's car to school. As usual. Then he dropped me off just after the traffic light opposite school, side gate there. As usual. I was about to get out of the car when.....yes, i couldn't open the door. -.-

So my mum had to go out to open my door from the outside(thats the only way to open it), cos i couldn't go out from the other door cos it was facing the road. And guess what, my mum had the exact same problem! >:(

Then my dad pressed some button at the side of his door there and mum's door could open. But mine still couldn't open, so my mum STILL had to go out LOL. So yeah and my dad was rather frustrated cos:
1) It was at a traffic light, cannot stop there too long.
2) My parents had to go work too, so they can't waste too much time fetching me. /;

but ah well. at least i wasn't stuck inside forever or something. Or my dad sure pissed off like what. o:

Okay then, nights!