welcome, yo.
I don't know how you managed to stumble upon this blog, but yeah hello anyway. Feel free to explore and leave a tag, even though i know my tagboard's filled with nothing but adverts now. /:CHERYL♥AVIARY;
The doctors said that they would try putting this..splint on my middle finger. And my finger would be bend backwards cos currently its crooked , bending forward. So hopefully the splint will let the mini chipped off bone to come back in place. The splint is just some.. thing, that melts in warm/hot water and can be moulded. Then a velcro with a piece of foam is fastened on the finger. The foam is to apply pressure on the joint , where the chipped off bone is. There, this is how it looks like. After putting on the splinter, i took an x-ray again. However, the bone was still out of place. ): The doctors discussed with my mum, blahblah... And then they decided to let me use this splint for a week then go back to the hospital to see if it works. If it doesn't, then... Operation lor. //: And they say it'll cause a scar D: ! Arghh ): Yeah but for now, this stupid splint. ._. Ohhh, and i've got a letter to excuse myself from writing if the splint is there until school reopens, so yay...? Hahahah. :D But i'd rather write than injure myself luh. /: Hmm yeah, so i've gotta go back to the hospital next week. Siannnn. >_> Till then.