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New splint for my middle finger. ):
Tuesday, 8 June 2010 @ 14:37

Just came back from the hospital not long ago. Welllll..

The doctors said that they would try putting this..splint on my middle finger. And my finger would be bend backwards cos currently its crooked , bending forward. So hopefully the splint will let the mini chipped off bone to come back in place.

The splint is just some.. thing, that melts in warm/hot water and can be moulded. Then a velcro with a piece of foam is fastened on the finger. The foam is to apply pressure on the joint , where the chipped off bone is.

There, this is how it looks like.

After putting on the splinter, i took an x-ray again.

However, the bone was still out of place. ):
The doctors discussed with my mum, blahblah... And then they decided to let me use this splint for a week then go back to the hospital to see if it works. If it doesn't, then... Operation lor. //: And they say it'll cause a scar D: ! Arghh ):

Yeah but for now, this stupid splint. ._. Ohhh, and i've got a letter to excuse myself from writing if the splint is there until school reopens, so yay...? Hahahah. :D But i'd rather write than injure myself luh. /:

Hmm yeah, so i've gotta go back to the hospital next week. Siannnn. >_>
Till then.