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A few rants.
Monday, 10 May 2010 @ 22:27
First rant:

As you all know, the weather these days is unbearably hot right.
So today, despite having the air cons switched on, it was still hot. Hot until sweating. So i decided to on the fan closest to me. But of course, i asked some people around first. JL said kay. I saw YH desperately using her notes to fan herself, so yeah. So i went to the switches. And then, ____ screeeeeeeeeammmmeddddd at me. "CHERYLLLLLL ! DON'T ON ! "And i was like, "But its freaking hot la ! You see the other people, all of them sweating leh!" But no, she wanted it her way. Guess what she said .

"Eh very cold leh !! Later too cold then I cannot think, then cannot solve the maths problems, THEN i fail how ! "

WTFH?! And here's what i replied:

"Eh then us leh? We hot until cannot think then cannot solve the maths problems then fail how?" -Shows buey song face- .

But of course, didn't work lor. I didn't wanna quarrel with her just because of the fan, so okay luh, don't on then don't on lor. I just felt that she's really selfish lor. /:
Rant 2:

Wth is your problem? The two of them quarrel. And just because i'm in between, its my fault?!? Since when was i involved? SINCE WHEN? Okay luh, so you're telling me i have to side with one and break up my friendship with the other? Everytime they quarrel, you say its my fault. Last time YOU quarrel with one of them, ALSO MY FAULT. WOW la, everything is my fault lor.

I shouldn't even have existed luh. Since i'm like that. Like a walking disaster. Everywhere i go, every friend i make, i cause them trouble.

I should just kill myself . Everyone will be find then. No more troubles. No more quarrels between them. No more suffering. Even I need not suffer anymore, no one will say that i cause them to quarrel.