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Loyang Point lift - MAX 10 PERSONS, 680KG.
Friday, 16 April 2010 @ 22:49
Short post again . Just wanna talk about something that happened just now xD.

I was at Loyang Point with my family.
We were about to go home after buying stuff luh , so take lift go up to carpark. The four of us - my bro, mum, dad and I , were the only ones in the lift.

Then at the second floor, these 4 adults wanted to come in. 2 are freaking BIG SIZED(I'm trying not to be insulting), one freaking skinny, and one normal. Then the normal and the skinny one came in first. Then the female bigsized one stepped in, together with the big sized male. Then the lift -OVERLOAD,OVERLOAD- . LOLLL.

Then the stupid guy was like, movemovemove then trying to stand at another position.
Then he said to the skinny girl(in chinese), "I think the censor in the middle. Come you stand here, i stand there."

wtf sia lol . You fat then just admit fat la, censor what censor . Lift where got use censor to detect overload de.

Obviously wherever he stood made no difference luh xD. Then he stepped out. And the skinny one stepped out too . Then okay le. LOL .

Oh, and then i looked around the lift. And found the notice:


So estimate, 68kg per person.

In the car, he was calculating our total weight. Turns out that we don't even take up the weight of 3 people. Which means , the four people actually took up like, 7 people's weights? LOL !

HAHAHA i feel so evil all of a sudden x] .
But still, the guy damn bullshit luh lol . Censor . /: