welcome, yo.
I don't know how you managed to stumble upon this blog, but yeah hello anyway. Feel free to explore and leave a tag, even though i know my tagboard's filled with nothing but adverts now. /:CHERYL♥AVIARY;
For example: What we thought: "-angry-RICHARD! YOUR MOTHER IS HERE." turns into: "-delighted- RICHARD !! Richardrichardrichard! Your mother is hereee ~" But nevertheless it was funny and niceee. :D Oh and we saw Patricia Mok there! O: But we only saw her at the entrance , then didn't see her anymore. ): AND i think Pornsak was there too, cos there was this stand of flowers with a message: To mama, I'm here with you! From Pornsak." HAHA we were all like, "WTF Pornsak's here too?! Why didn't we see him ?! Arrghh i wanna see another celebrity/star! ): " xD . Oh yeah, those who didn't go for the play yesterday, you missed some things ! 1) MR CHACKO'S WACKY CLOTHES. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA IT WAS SO HORRIBLY UGLY MAN :X ! But seriously, a shirt that has many many colours with a base colour of orange?! HAHA Kay Yee was telling me about the shirt, and she wanted to say it was very... 刺眼. But before she said 刺眼, i added in BOOMZ! LOLLL and then she laughed like hell xDD . 2) MY COOKIES ! D: I baked cookies(with a great amount of help from my kakak) yesterday before i went out for the play, and brought a container full of cookies out. Gordon , Sam , Sophie and I ate a few pieces and the rest was eaten by Kay Yee. She was sooo in love with my cookies that she kept asking for more and even finished up the crumbs. xD AHH I'VE GOT A FAN <3> Oh and Royston , Ryan and Gordon had supper after the play D: I wanted to go, but my parents were fetching. They went to Starbucks ! D: i don't remember drinking/eating anything from there before ): Sad life right. Sigh. Lol well anyway, daddy gave Sam a lift home cos as usual , her dad didn't fetch her home and she told me she was gonna take bus home. I was kinda worried, cos it was already past 11pm . So yeah i told my parents to fetch her home. xD So yeah , nothing else le . Bye then :D !