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Just posting some stuff i should have posted earlier..
Sunday, 22 February 2009 @ 21:57
hehes, just wanna post some stuff, lyke videos and pics that i should have posted long ago, but was too lazy to upload from my handphone to the comp.

A video which i took on 24th January. It was in Changi Village, a dog was trying to use the floor to rub its back. It looked funny, so i took a video of it. ohh and btw, the boy in the red T-shirt was trying to copy the dog. ._.

This was on the 15th February, when we went to a field in Punggol. The wind was damn strong.. There was something lyke a kite flying event there, so there were many people. Hmm.. My bro and my dad trying to fly a kite. And there i was, holding on to the umbrella, trying hard to take the video and prevent myself from flying away. =.=

Some kites in the air..

And this.. It was taken today, at my Vivien's house. The one in red is Isaac, Vivien's little bro. And the other guy in the video is Austin. Anyway, i was feeling bored, so i took a video of them playing. More of fighting, but "pretend fighting". Well, they do that almost everytime we meet up. LOL.

Hmm.. Yesterday, we had a choir bbq. I think it was sorta to celebrate Mr Sharil's(SP) birthday too. Here are the pics:

Two groups of people playing dai di.. hehes :D
A snail which Veena found, and scard quite a few people with it. heheh (:The birthday cake for Mr Sharil, homemade. Veena's mum made it.Mr Sharil. :P

okay, gotta go lerhh. tatas (: