welcome, yo.
I don't know how you managed to stumble upon this blog, but yeah hello anyway. Feel free to explore and leave a tag, even though i know my tagboard's filled with nothing but adverts now. /:CHERYL♥AVIARY;
Well.. First, about my christmas partyy. (: 25/12/08 Well, Vaness, Steph, Minglu and Kezia came at around 1pm. i told them to. :P Kezia came first, follow by the rest of them. (Duhh, kezia just living above me.. ;x) Anyway, it was kinda boring, i think. Minglu kept asking me what to do.. But we went down to the playground for a while, played the "Last one who ____ is a rotten egg." game.. LOL, don't ask me how it started, cos i dhunnoe. =x Minglu soon left, cos she had something on after that. The others stayed for dinner, and the gifts session too. (: END Now, about SCHOOL RE-OPENING. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.. D: START Haiish.. D: School's re-opening reeeeally soon.. I dhun wanna go St. Hilda's!! T.T If only i knew earlier that still can appeal for Dunman Sec after the posting results.. >.< Arrhhhs. x.x the school damn strict sia.. Even watch straps and spec frames cannot bright colours de lor!!! =.= But there's this part of the rules very funny. Here's what they wrote: Food is to be brought out of the canteen and to be consumed in the canteen. LOL!!!!! =.= END Lastly, my christmas present from my parents. :D START I'VE GOT SKATES!! I FINALLY GOT SKATES!!! OHHH YEAHHHH~~ :D END LOL. okay. done posting. I do not owe you anything now, steph. (: |