welcome, yo.
I don't know how you managed to stumble upon this blog, but yeah hello anyway. Feel free to explore and leave a tag, even though i know my tagboard's filled with nothing but adverts now. /:CHERYL♥AVIARY;
my mum's comp "broke down". it can't start up. even worse than before. AFTER MY DAD DID SOMETHING TO IT. well.. he said that he was the "computer killer", anyway. ._. So now, i'm using my mum's laptop. cos my kakak using my other comp. =.= i secretly used the lappy. SHHH. =x anyway, no mum's comp = NO AUDITION!!! why? simply cos, MY BRO DELETE AUDITION FROM THE OTHER COMP AGAIN. and why? JUST TO MAKE SOME SPACE. idiot!! arrrrrhhhss. and now, using the lappy, i can only play internet games. ._. and blog. GRrrrrr.. when my bro gets back from school today, i'm gonna ask him whether i can download audi back. >.< and as you can see, i've changed my blogskin yet again. thanks, steph~ :D i changed it cos in my other blogskin, the picture on top has http://emotionalkitty.bs.com and i have changed my URL, if you don't know. but you should, cos i put a "relink" blogskin in the previous URL there already. oh yeah, i'm supposed to do another quiz from Ken. will be on the next post! (: |