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Survey from Ken
Monday, 22 September 2008 @ 17:55
Sheesh, another of those kinda surveys.. Anyways, got it from Ken.

1: Do you know anyone whose name starts with "Z"?
- uhh.. duhh?(read my "lovable friends" area)

2: Do you go out with someone you hate?
- no, unless i'm forced to.

3: Do you get jealous easily?
- not really.. i dunno?

4: Do you think that beautiful girls and guys are always good?
- hmm.. good as in? if you say attitude, i'll say no. some girls cos they thought the pretty then very "action" de. =x

5: Do you like babies?
- uhhs.. i dunno.. but if the one like 9pm show de Nicole, then i guess i'll say yes lors.. so cute! =x

6: Do you always admire and like someone?
- if you're not talking about that kinda "like", but as in friendship like and admire, i'll say yes. i admire kezia, megan, minglu, nat, steph and zhuojing's cleverness. =x

7: Do you get angry easily?
- hmms.. if with my bro disturbing me, maybe yes. with my friends, most probably not. =x

8: Use 3 words to describe yourself.
- hmms... dumb, stupid and freak. (:

9: Will you choose to watch movie or go shopping?
- sorta depends lor, if not interesting movie then i go shopping lor. but generally i like both. ;D

10: Think of 5 people and ask them to do this survey(or rather sabo them. =x )
- Kezia
- Megan

Weell.. according to the sentence in Ken's blog, its says that you can do it if you want. I did it cos i was bored. =x still a little no mood la.. ( previous post )
