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blood!! xD
Wednesday, 17 September 2008 @ 16:15
hehes, nothing much to post. but there's one thing though.

today, after lunch break, steph, kezia and i were walking back to class, when we saw this red pen on the floor. inside lyke got ink, so i brought it back to class.

but when i tried using it, nothing came out. so i guessed that person dropped it from high grounds, thats why nothing came out as it was already spoilt. =x

then, steph had a funny idea.

she took her blue pen ink thingy, and used it to POKE the inside of the red pen ink thingy. everything spilt out lyke siao and it stained her fingers. xD Megan gave her a tissue. but steph didn't stop. she continued poking the inside. it was really nice to look at. xD the tissue was also red lyke siao. then i took the red pen, and poked it too. xDD we then headed for the toilet to wash it.

In the toilet, we met Beryl, Vanessa and a few people. we showed it to them, then Beryl did this.

She took the tissue from us, then pretended to cough. then she said," see! i'm coughing out blood!!!"


anyway, i washed steph's blue pen ink thingy, so my fingers were also stained red. =x

in the end, i threw the red pen ink thingy away. in the toilet dustbin. =P

All of us went back to class after that. Then, when Beryl walked in, she pretend to cough again and said she cough out blood. then very funny sia, everyone in the class turn around and looked at her(we entered through the back door). LOL! even lin lao shi looked at her. then we laughed lyke siao, cos the looks on everyone's faces(including lin lao shi) told us that they thought it was real. xD then teacher realised it was fake, and started laughing too. soon, our whole class started giggling. =x

then, when everyone settled down, the next funny thing happened. Look on.

HongHui: Teacher! Our class got 1 couple lehh! And some more is both boys de!!!

Whole class laughed.

Teacher smiling: Really? Who is it?

HongHui: Dino and WeiJie!!

Whole class laughed even louder.

Jeremy: Dino calls WeiJie laopo!!

Whole class laughed even even louder.

Jeremy: Dino also asked WeiJie eat laopo bing(laopo biscuit, a kinda biscuit la)[not sure if he said that, but he mentioned about eating laopo bing]!!

Whole class laughed even even even louder.

Someone shouted: Chi dou fu!!! (means take advantage of the person, i think. i dun really know how to explain that la. anwayhow write that de =x )

Whole class laughed lyke siao. Even teacher laughed continuously.

Teacher: okay okay enough. lets start with our supp class already.


lols, that was roughly what happened la. btw, the "Whole class laughed even/even even/ even even even louder" thing, it wasn't really louder la, but kinda continuously. =x

i think i exaggerated a little lehhs.. if anyone knows what really happened, tell me, so i'll edit it. =x

hehes okays, gotta go. byes~