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I don't know how you managed to stumble upon this blog, but yeah hello anyway. Feel free to explore and leave a tag, even though i know my tagboard's filled with nothing but adverts now. /:
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At my friend's house right now..
Sunday, 13 July 2008 @ 18:29
hellos.. at my friend's house now.. using a very laggy comp.. ._. no maple, no audi, only internet. at least got internet. =.=

steph helped me with a new blogskin. she was feeling bored marhx.. nice right???? :D:D thx steph, once again!!! :D:D:D err... steph... i just realised. why my "CHERYL;" when i end off a post become "I'm missing you" ? x.x

i'll try finding the part to change back. if i can't find, i'll find you instead. xD

haiish... i was thinking - should i change my URL? the thing is, i can't think of a new URL. should it be about kitties? should it be some kinda wise phrase? doubt so. =.= I'm not even wise! I was thinking maybe a word, then lyke steph de, the last letter gt 1 "-". but lyke copying her lehhs.. x.x then how???????? i think when i think of one then i change barhx. ._.

hehes, my bro making sushi at the moment. i tihnk we're gonna have it for dinner ! ;D ;D

hmm... gotta go le, i wanna play game. ;D