When we're swimming... Btw, invited Steph, Minglu, Vaness and Valerie( The real one ). <- the fake one was there too~! ( LOL only some know this )
LOL cute hor~! AS IF. ( No offence~! ) Look ! At first no fire de, but my cousin did some sort of spell, then gt fire le. NO LA, he put paper inside then burn. -.-" On Sunday we went to Escape Theme Park. Btw, the BBQ was on Saturday. My parents dun allow me invite my friends to Escape... T.T Anyways, here are the pics. The Go Kart. I was finally tall enough to drive lor !!!! The "Superman" ride. Hmms.. My cousin( on the right ) called it the " Father's Day Destroyer". Well, coz near the guys' TOOT, gt 1 hump there, which might hurt the TOOT if move down too low. xD Girls are lucky~! The Viking Ship... Ken and I were too scared to sit at the top =x Okok, gotta go le, buaiixx~ |