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Hahas :P
Wednesday, 28 May 2008 @ 17:25

MONDAY 26/05/08

Was my birthday. In the morning, i went to the Central market there with my kor and kakak to buy breakfast. I had chocolate waffle! :D Hehes, then hor, i saw Valerie sia,dunnoe whether is the kakaks planned de, but WHO CARES ! So long as i get to meet Valerie !! Sooooooooo long nvr meet her liaos.. I am SO lucky to meet her on my birthday !!! :D:D

Later that day, i went to White Sands with Nat, Minglu, Kezia, Megan and Steph. To celebrate Minglu and my birthday. :P Then gt 1 time, Nat, Minglu, Kezia and Megan went down to buy bubble tea first. Then, when Steph and I went down, we saw Nat still ordering. Then i asked," How come you all so slow???" Then suddenly, gt 2 boys walked pass us, then 1 boy said," Coz my father......( CAn't hear anymore )" then steph and i looked at each other and laughed. xDD

TUESDAY 27/05/08

After school, Xiao Yun, Vanessa, Dione and I went to 230 de basketball court play basketball. Over there, we met Wan Lin and Alicia. :P Then, Alex, Weili and Jerrold came. ( The disgustin Jerrold, not beli's cousin ) Then it started to rain. In the end, all of us went to the playground for shelter. Then stupid Jerrold kept disturbing us. -.- Many things happened after that, but now no to time to say. >.<

WEDNESDAY 28/05/08 ( Today )

Hmms... Nothing much to talk about actually... Just now i played maple, then dunnoe why hor, sudden;y dced. Then i called my cousin, he also said he dced. They say gt maintenence, but my counsin checked, and said today gt maintenence, but it was in teh morning to 12.34pm. WEIRD !
Nvms. Haiish... gotta go liaos, gt tuition. now waiting for Kezia to come down. :P
