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Asiasoft Maintenence?!!??!
Tuesday, 22 July 2008 @ 16:49
hahas, today we had to do our hw on the floor for the last 3 periods, coz teacher shifted the desks and chairs for the oral thingy. xD

haiish.... oral tml le.. what if i fail????????????????????? >.<

nothing much to post abt too.. =.=

siian siian siian siian siian siian siian siian siian siian siian siian siian siian.

my mum says my bro coming back soon le. which also means i can't use the comp le. =.= not fair sia, why everytime he wanna use le then i have to give in, then i wanna use he ignores me? and my parents dun even do anything. D:

wth is this???????????????????????????? why Audition, Maplestory, and even GrandChase can't play today??????? wth wth wth wth !!!!! is there an Asiasoft maintenence or smth today??

lols, i seem so angry in this post. ._.

but ltr i'm gonna have BT, my kakak buying for me. ;D

okays, gotta go le, byes~~