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I don't know how you managed to stumble upon this blog, but yeah hello anyway. Feel free to explore and leave a tag, even though i know my tagboard's filled with nothing but adverts now. /:
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Don't leave council!
Monday, 10 October 2011 @ 16:54
Hosea's in bigbig trouble D:

He broke a school rule and got caught, and now he's in trouble with the teachers D:
He told me that he may be kicked out of council ):

Sighhhhh... just hoping that he'll be given a chance or something /: Afterall its not like he vandalised or something, right... /:

FINALLY changed my blogskin! Just felt that i should change it hahahaha. Paying more attention to my blog alr hehe. How is it? Currently in love with Simple Plan's music! The next time i change my blogskin, i shall find some YTF blogskin muahahahahahaha. :D But actually, who would notice i changed my blogskin? I doubt anyone visits this page anymore. I think like only 1% of the world still uses Blogger. Even if someone notices, it'll probably be like, a few years later HAHAHA.

Oh wait. I just tweeted about it. /: Oh whatever ahahahaha.

Oh, and i changed the song in my Mixpod too yay. This song is currently stuck in my head too teehee. Its called Moves Like Jagger, by Maroon 5. Love the whistling. <3