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Photos and stuff..
Friday, 4 December 2009 @ 11:57
Okayy. Finally, the pictures of our class outing. Lol, feel so sian of posting outdated photos, but nevermind . x.x

This one is nice. xD

Heheh, doesn't this picture look like two pictures joined together? One blur one clear. Heheh xD


From last Monday to Wednesday(30th December - 2nd December), I went to stay at a Chalet . At Changi there, near the Tanah Merah Ferry Terminal. The chalet was super nice lor ! Even though it was rather glassy, if there's such a word. Its like walls being replaced by glass panals. Lol. No privacy. Tsktsk. Anyway, it was still very nice. :D

I learned to play Mahjong, finally ! Heheh xD And total in 3 days, i won... 3 times only . ):

And, we played everyday, almost the whole day.
Go out, play bowling, come back, Mahjong. Then eat lunch, after lunch, Mahjong.
And so on. (:

Anyways, saw this... Bigbig lizard. Idk what its called. Monitor lizard ? I don't know, i always get confused with these kinda stuff. Heheh. Just a big lizard can liao la. xD

Okay. The End. Bye bye. (: