welcome, yo.
I don't know how you managed to stumble upon this blog, but yeah hello anyway. Feel free to explore and leave a tag, even though i know my tagboard's filled with nothing but adverts now. /:CHERYL♥AVIARY;
Teachers' Day celebration at St Hilda's was... Hmmm.. Okayy la. The guys just played with the balloons, some other guys and girls ate and drank stuff... And i went around taking photos. But i only came in later cos i had to go around collecting donations(that was rather stupid). Heheh. OHH GREAAAT. Another bunch of pictures to post. Sighhh. :( Headed over to Pasir Ris Primary after school. (: There were maaaaaanny maaaaany people. Also got alot people i don't know. And, quite alot of people changed liao lor. I mean their looks la. We spent most of the time sitting at the canteen, chatting, drinking smoothie(hehe :D).. Then, when the students were finally released, we gathered at the red stairs to look for the teachers. :D. In the end, i didn't see Mr Shahizan so i couldn't give him the present. Sigh. :( After that, Geralyn, Sheryl, Steph, Phoebe, Zhuojing, Vaness and I went to E-Hub to watch The Proposal. DAMN FUNNY. Hahahas. You all should watch it if you haven't. (: After that, we went to Downtown East's macs to have ice cream and fries. Then, we went home. And here i am, typing this. Hahas. Okok. Gotta go. Hope there'll be more gatherings ! (: |