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Gala dinner thingy.
Thursday, 16 July 2009 @ 21:15
Sighhhhh. Ms Tan just told us today during choir prac:

We'll be wearing that stupid blue choir gown AGAIN, with courtshoes, make-up, and have our hair bunned up like some "xiao niang re". =.= Stupid sia. Same as SYF. D:


Looking weird in front of him ! Why can't we just wear our uniform to represent our school??? D: Sian laaaaaa. Sure tio teased by Shane they all one la. No face liaos. D: There goes my fringe. There goes my hair, all gelled up. And then it'll become oily when i try washing it. Sighh. D:

Now, i'm SOOOOO not looking forward to it liaos. D: I'd rather go for lessons. D: I ENVY THE GUYS LA, WEAR BLACK SIA. D: