welcome, yo.
I don't know how you managed to stumble upon this blog, but yeah hello anyway. Feel free to explore and leave a tag, even though i know my tagboard's filled with nothing but adverts now. /:CHERYL♥AVIARY;
I had to go to the music room to practise choir. Then, i joined Steph and the others after that. We played bsketball. Then, a soccer ball rolled into our court. the group of boys playing rushed towards us like a stampede. the soccerball went into the middle of some of us crowding together. then some blind guy just kicked the ball, and it flew right onto Steph's thigh. Another thing. AFter that, we decided to continue playing. Then, dunnoe who wanted to throw the ball, and it hit Dione's head. She moaned in great pain. I told her " Rest well first." Then after i while, i said " Be glad i didn't say " RIP ". xP " Then she chased after me. ._. Anyways, she was feeling tired during MT, so she wanted to close her eyes for a while, and told me to wake her up 5 min before MT ends. But, Aloysius woke her up after around 3min. LOL ! Okays, gotta do my homework liaos. Byes. #cheryl' |