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So exaggerating..
Wednesday, 13 February 2008 @ 21:14
Today, Mdm Lim soooo exaggerating.. She showed Nat and my Grammar and Vocab exercise book to the class, saying tht we did this SINCE STRTING OF SCHOOL. Its not even strting of sch lor !!! Maybe about strting of FEBRUARY or the end of JANUARY, not strting of school !!! Then, she said she'll give Nat and I a BIG present. Its not even my idea lor, it was Nat's !!! She just asked teacher, then teacher just told us to do, so she can show to the class.. -.-"

Haiish, alot hw again.. Actually supposed to do HW now, but i sneaked and posted this. :D
1) Chi WS
2) Sci WS
3) Grammar and Vocab
4) Chi Xi Zi

Only done CASCO so far.. T.T

K luhhs, won't talk anymore. Nidda do HW. Bye~